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We would be happy to make your business/start-up a free website (your first, a redesign, etc.) and/or provide free consulting for you!

A pro bono business website?  Really?


Yes!  We are here to help!  We make the site for free on Wix and you will need to pay only for the annual hosting package (we do not mark up the hosting).  The site will be customized and include a bunch of extras!

You have more questions???  ;^)

+ No worries!  We have answers!


What is included in this free website?

+ A full website that you own/control, a free logo (if needed), blog, social media links, basic SEO, a newsletter option, and more!


Okay, but it will look like every other website, right?

+ Nope.  We like designing.  It is like art to me and, hence, every website is bespoke.  You are encouraged to check out our portfolio.


What if we already have a website, but just need some tweaks or a modern redesign?

+ Sure, we can do those, but we'll need to move the site to Wix (unless there already).


What if we just need some consulting?

+ No problem, it's free!  We can talk about websites, marketing, SEO, etc.


What isn't included?

+ Well, we're not going to make some kind of a gigantic free site or app.  It will be more informational in nature.  There will be no products (but we can set up most of the ecommerce and teach you about it), no specific coding, etc.


Do you work with all types of businesses?

+ We gravitate towards start-ups, small businesses and - most importantly, helping those in need that really could use a boost.  We try to stay away from stuff that is super controversial.  Do note;  companies that are established and already doing well can connect with our firm at


Why are you doing this?

+ Mostly to help others and leave a lasting, positive legacy!  Beyond the "warm & fuzzies", it also helps to market our main business:  


We want to help worthy businesses and people grow! 

We're here for you!  Even if you simply want to ask us some questions, it is free and no problem.  Our Founder personally has over two decades of Internet industry experience and we have worked with, helped and mentored many various businesses. 



Ready to commence?

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